
Showing posts from June, 2018

Analysing Malaysia Ads (II): MaxisSE4Games

The video advertisements from Maxis in three different language editions was choose to analyse in previous post. And for the second analysis, I had choose the another print advertisement from Maxis too.  The second advertisement analysis is about the MaxisSE4Games ads. Actually this is the greetings print ads for the victory of Malaysia in the KL 2017 South East Asia (SEA) Games. I have choose the greetings posts for Pandelela Rinong anak Pamg and Cheong Jun Hoong, the two female athlets whom won the diving medal. The print advertisement I provided above have only in two language editions which is English and Malay language. The main message of the advertisement not only send the greetings to both divers won the medals for Malaysia, and also invite people to purchase Maxis’s mobile data packages. The Dennotation of the each print advertisements from the campaign shows two diving female athlets and the Maxis logo merge wi...

Analysing Malaysia Ads (I) : Maxis FamilyRoam

After having a conversation and consultation with my lecturer, I have rearrange and make a studies more on Malaysia Advertisements more than keep researching on the definitions and meaning of the Semiotics. I had choose two advertisements from a local brand in Malaysia in different language edition.  Maxis is a communication service provider in Malaysia. They had released the a series video advertisement only with 15 seconds in different language editions.  Maxis FamilyRoam - I got free roaming, unlimited roaming... (English) Maxis FamilyRoam - Abah kena stay dekat kita tau! (Malay) Maxis FamilyRoam - 助您全家快乐出游,无需忙东忙西! (Chinese) Denotation of this advertising campaign goes to showing the animals which practise gregariousness lifestyle such as the elephant , the flamingo and the duck . The advertisements released are dubbed with the dialogues in different language editions to attract different target audience.  The english version of this ...

Denotation, Connotation & Myth

Denotation goes to the primary meaning , which also goes to the ‘dictionary defination of a word’. It is the first stage of the signification which recognises, describes and identifies a sign (Grant.K, 2016).   Connotation means ‘the associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning’ in dictionary. Connotation is the second stage of the signification, it is the socio-cultural association/conceptual meaning (Grant.K, 2016). The emotions and ideas the readers add in after they get the primary meaning and this is according to personal experiences and cultural background related. Myth in semiotics is the result of the denotation and connotation combines, which may leads to a greater world-view or ideological of a thing.  The advertisement below provided will be an example to analyse how denotation, connotation and myth to be used in an print advertisement:

Semiotics II: Pierce Triadic Model

Different from Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles Sandre Pierce’s theory of semiotics and signs are name as The Triadic Model . This American philosopher , logician , mathematician , and scientist theorize semiotics as the three-part triadic model consists of three basic element , which is the sign (signifier), object (referent)  and interpreting (signified). Image by Lesley Lanir The diagram above is the triadic model constructed by Pierce and it is little difference with Saussure’s signifier and signified theory which include the object (referent). According to this model, representament goes to the form of the sign which links to the referent which the sign ‘stands for’ or represent, and the “interpretant” goes to interpret meaning through the linking of representament and referent and make them to be understand by the target audiences. According to Pierce, the sig...

Semiotics (I) : Saussure's Signified and Signifier

Before start the research of the previous and this post, a small breakdown for the topic was done for getting a more solid researches for this question. One of the important keywords of the questions that make me have a deep research on it for the questions is the  Semiotics.  Semiotics means the study of signs and symbols and their use of interpretation, and also an investigating into how the meaning of something is created and how meaning is communicated. Semiotics is purposed by Ferdinand de Saussure, the Swiss linguist and semiotician and Charles Sanders Peirce, the American pragmatist. Saussure's theory Semiotics can be deal with physical signs and Fredinand De Saussure purposed the idea with the ‘Signifier and Signified’ concepts to explain Semiotics. In Saussure’s sign defination, there are two main parts of the signs which they are Signifier and Signified. Signifier are the physical forms of the signs , it could be in object form, words or even a simple im...

The Chosen One

Source: After the analysis, I found that there are two questions caught my attention and I have make some deep researches it. 1. Compare the advertisement of a local brand in different language editions and  demonstrate how semiotics can reveal the differences and similarities between  them. Semiotics is a study of signs and symbols, including the analysis of the systems of communication such as language, gestures, or clothing. It plays an important role in marketing as a tool of demonstrate the advertiser’s message through the form of signs or symbols to the audiences. Advertising is a method which promote or sell a product, service or an idea to the target audience in audio or visual form. Accoding to my research, I found that the content of an advertising was affected by the culture and the social of a country.  In marketing communications and advertising, semiotics play a key role in determining the success or failure o...

Essay Questions Analysis

After ran through the question provided on the assignment brief, these are the following understanding about the questions listed in the assignment brief. 1.  Compare the advertisement of a local brand in different language editions and demonstrate how semiotics can reveal the differences and similarities between them. Semiotics means the study of the signs and the sign-using behaviour in the Encyclopedia Britannica. According to my understanding to this topic, the question is to about explain and find out how did the sign show the differences and similarities between a local brand advertisements in different languages. 2.  Explore the ideas of modernism and/or postmodernism in superhero film(s). Discuss how the ideas are presented and if audience are receptive to them. The question is to request about how the modernism and/(or) postmodernism ideas and concepts present in the superhero films(s) and make the audience to accept them.  3. Examine...