Essay Questions Analysis

After ran through the question provided on the assignment brief, these are the following understanding about the questions listed in the assignment brief.

1. Compare the advertisement of a local brand in different language editions and demonstrate how semiotics can reveal the differences and similarities between them.
Semiotics means the study of the signs and the sign-using behaviour in the Encyclopedia Britannica. According to my understanding to this topic, the question is to about explain and find out how did the sign show the differences and similarities between a local brand advertisements in different languages.

2. Explore the ideas of modernism and/or postmodernism in superhero film(s). Discuss how the ideas are presented and if audience are receptive to them.
The question is to request about how the modernism and/(or) postmodernism ideas and concepts present in the superhero films(s) and make the audience to accept them. 

3. Examine the representation of women in a local or regional media. How are women portrayed? Are they affected by feminist or other identity issues often seen in more Western countries? 

My understanding upon this question is look into the womens’ role in a local or regional media while explaining how women are being represented and whether they are influenced by feminist or other identity issues that are common in Western countries.

4. Select a drama series that has attained widespear popular. Identify the key values or message it propagates, and how that is conveyed through its filmic qualities. 
The question is requiring us to pick up a popular drama series and list out the key values or message distributed through the series and to identify how it communicates with its audience through its filmic qualities

5. Discuss the relationship between celebrities and politicians. What is the nature and history of such connections? How well have celebrities who became politicians faired in general?

Based on my understanding, the question is asking me to find out whether any connections between the celebrities and politicians. What is the nature and history cause such connections between the celebrities and politicians? Besides, the questions want me to find out will these actor-politicians manage to perform well in their political performances. 


E, Sierra. (2018) A Look At Women Represented In Media. [Online] Study Breaks. Available at: [Accessed 1st June 2018]

S, Gabbi. (2018) 14 celebrities who left Hollywood behind to work in politics. [Online] Insider. Available at: [Accessed 1st June 2018]

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica (2018) Semiotics | Study of Signs. [Online] Encyclopaedia Britannica. Available at : [Accessed 31st May 2018]

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica (2018) Modernism | Definition, History, & Examples. [Online] Encyclopaedia Britannica. Available at : [Accessed 31st May 2018]


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