The Chosen One


After the analysis, I found that there are two questions caught my attention and I have make some deep researches it.

1. Compare the advertisement of a local brand in different language editions and demonstrate how semiotics can reveal the differences and similarities between them.

Semiotics is a study of signs and symbols, including the analysis of the systems of communication such as language, gestures, or clothing. It plays an important role in marketing as a tool of demonstrate the advertiser’s message through the form of signs or symbols to the audiences.

Advertising is a method which promote or sell a product, service or an idea to the target audience in audio or visual form. Accoding to my research, I found that the content of an advertising was affected by the culture and the social of a country. In marketing communications and advertising, semiotics play a key role in determining the success or failure of any endeavour. (Lim, W., 2012)

Malaysia as a multi-ethnic, society and races country that heavily influenced by the ancient Malay, China and India culture, different languages editions of an advertisement was created to target and attract the audiences of different races and culture. 

A deeper research on how the semiotics can show the differences and the similarities of an local advertisement in different languages and how did the semiotics bring out the messages from the advertisement and caught the attention of the target audience with different races and ethnics. 

3. Examine the representation of women in a local or regional media. How are woman portrayed? Are they affected by feminist or other identity issues often seen in more Western countries?

Feminist is the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. Although we are in a modern society, women are not been treated fairly in many places, same to the media platform. 

As we can get from the media platform, woman are always been potrayed in stereotypes such as emotional, weak, a caring mother, physical and sexual attractiveness and etc. It seems that the media is convinced that women spend their lives cooking, cleaning, taking care of the baby, primping (and not forgetting longing for that diamond engagement ring), essentially reinforcing the gender stereotype of women being domesticated, materialistic and superficial. ( K.E, Lim.,2017)

References lists

K.E, Lim. (2017). Stereotypes, T. The Media’s Role In Portraying Women And Building Negative Stereotypes » [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jun. 2018].

Lim, W. (2012). Cooler Insights. The Role of Semiotics in Marketing | Cooler Insights. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jun. 2018]


Advertising Semiotics. (2008). [video] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jun. 2018]

Hanna, L. (2016). Semiotics Lesson. [video] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jun. 2018]


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