Semiotics II: Pierce Triadic Model

Different from Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles Sandre Pierce’s theory of semiotics and signs are name as The Triadic Model. This American philosopher, logician, mathematician, and scientist theorize semiotics as the three-part triadic model consists of three basic element, which is the sign (signifier), object (referent)  and interpreting (signified). 

Image by Lesley Lanir

The diagram above is the triadic model constructed by Pierce and it is little difference with Saussure’s signifier and signified theory which include the object (referent). According to this model, representament goes to the form of the sign which links to the referent which the sign ‘stands for’ or represent, and the “interpretant” goes to interpret meaning through the linking of representament and referent and make them to be understand by the target audiences.

According to Pierce, the signs could be classified according to the qualities, facts, laws and conventions which with the objects, and this may classified the signs into ten different sign types. (Lanir, 2012). 

Pierce listed out the form of the sign (signifier) takes can be classified into three , which they are symbol, icon and index. Symbol means the meaning of an object but it is cultural affected , Icon goes to what the signifier looks like in reality and Index goes to the things that related to the object but it also may link to other meaning

The diagram below can tell the meaning of the symbol, icon and index stands for.

Reference List

Gabetta, L. (2015). Saussure and Peirce. [online] YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 23rd June 2018]

Lanir, L. (2012). Charles Sanders Peirce’s Semiotics – The Triadic Model. [Online] Decoded Science. Available at : [Accessed 24th June 2018]

Lanir, L. (2012). Charles Sanders Peirce: Symbolic, Iconic, and Indexical Signs. [Online] Decoded Science. Available at :[Accessed 24th June 2018]

Atkin, A. (2010) 'Peirce's Theory Of Signs', The Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22nd June 2018]


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